Sunday, March 9, 2008

a few little herbs...

Pineapple Sage Volunteer

Curly Parsley

Rosemary and a bit of lavender

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Woogie said...

I love herbies...

Missa said...

I was suprised to see the pineapple sage so soon.
By the way- my first dozen moonies are all in their big girl pots!

Row and Sow and Mow and Hoe and said...

Do you grow those right in the pot, and if so do they come back year after year? Do you bring them inside for the winter? I've always wanted an herb garden. I've particularly wanted to have some Rosemary after having "Rosemary Chicken" at a restaurant a few years ago. It was baked with fresh Rosemary and served with a sprig of Rosemary on it, and it was the best tasting stuff I'd ever had. Ever since, I've wanted to grow Rosemary! The parsley I have comes back year and actually doesn't do good at all in the hot hot summer but when it cools off - like in October - it takes off and thrives throughout the winter and spring. In the late summer, the butterflies (caterpillars) eat it down to the stalk! I let them have at it, though, and have watched them eat an entire, great big parsley plant down to the ground (and they can strip it overnight!) It comes back, though!

Have a great one!

Missa said...

Hiya Row!
Yeah, I grow them in a couple or four large planters as well as in the ground; I keep a nice variety by my back door (I use them frequently). I dont bring them in; at the end of the year I let everything go to seed- just to see what will pop up in the spring.
Rosmary is your basic evergreen- it will withstand even frigid temperatures.
Have a great day!

Row and Sow and Mow and Hoe and said...

My next to-do is to find some Rosemary and see if I can have some luck with it!

Missa said...

Row, I have had that piece of rosemary for several (7 or 8) years. I got it as a (don't laugh) dead plant at Lowes (I think) during the middle of August.

The dead plant society extends to all.....