Thursday, March 13, 2008

I see the start of a fence... and Riley's response...

Riley likes to dig in the garden... I think this does not have her preturbed in the least...


Row and Sow and Mow and Hoe and said...

OH YEAH!!! Oh yeah :)!!

Woogie said...

yeah she looks real worried!....tee hee!

Missa said...

She is a silly, loveable girl.... but a digger. sigh...

Woogie said...

She's getting ready (at least she thinks) to par-tay this summer!

Row and Sow and Mow and Hoe and said...

Yeah - she thinks it's time for a garden Par-Tay! :) Dogs digging in the garden reminds me of some funny moments in the garden - like turning around to see your dog digging a nice cool bed (and by the time you see em doing it and say NO NO NO, they've dug to China :)

Missa said...

I wish she would start digging my water feature